Thursday, September 25, 2003

The old house is starting to feel "nekkid." All the furniture's hard to believe we only lived there about a year...feels much longer than that. As I type, they're hooking up our phones at the new house. WOOHOO! That's a good thing, because T-mobile's wireless coverage is "lacking" in that area. A wide open space in the middle of nowhere...and I expect cell phone service? Yes, dang it...yes!

Band practice is tonight...WOOT! Feels to me like it's still Tuesday or something...the week's gone by so freakin' fast. Still going back and forth on whether I want to do this thing unplugged (acoustic-like) or full-on band. Guess we'll try a couple of things tonight and decide. Joel Bates, a friend of Lara's, has started coming to band practice, which is a great thing. He seems very enthusiastic about participating.

Eric sent me some helpful toilet cleaning you could drink out of the toilets...if you were a dog...or a

btw's MeDal of Honor, not MeTal of Honor...I thought it was just a one-time typo a week or so back, but no. Okay, the spelling police have spoken...

On a random "side" note... John Key's been letting me use his trailer to move a lot of my stuff, and that man is a god-send. Without it I don't think we could've gotten much done without spending lots of $$$$.


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