Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Dang, it's beautiful outside...

52 degrees and clear skies. Yes, I'd love some snow this time of year, but I'll take a beautiful day like this one, too. It's the kind of day that reinvigorates your spirit - it's done that for mine. I have energy, I'm in a good mood, and - well, that's always a good thing, ain't it?

Met up with J-mo for lunch at the Lob again. Yes, I know...but lunch is cheaper there. Besides, I've resigned myself to Spaghettios for dinner every now and then. That's $1 a meal...w00t. J-mo's real motives were to meet up with the nice waitress we met the other night, but...alas (hehe)..she was not there today.

Headed to Lowe's afterwards to browse washer and dryers. Stacey and I are debating whether we should upgrade are severely antiquated (but working) washer/dryer setup. Our current washing machine is only like a 2.0 cubic foot capacity (if that), so it takes us FOREVER to do just a few loads of laundry. Not to mention, newer machines are a little more efficient than the 30 year old Maytags we use now.

I dunno...maybe...

KEY PHRASES: "Dang, we'll be cleaning until 2 a.m. Oh, a friend used to say, 'Welcome to the ministry.'" "No, I'm not going to repeat that." "Houston, we have a problem." "Then, fix it, dang it."

CHAD'S SPECIAL KEY PHRASE SECTION: "Mein Bratwurst has un first name, it's F-R-I-T-Z...Mein bratwurst hat un second name, it's S-C-H-N-A-C-K-E-N-P-F-E-F-F-E-R-H-A-U-F-E-N." (hehe...found that video the other day where you ate the frozen hot dog after singing that...LOL). "M.A.M.E. rulez!" (okay, there's a reference...sorry I've been so slack, but it's all good stuff).


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