Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Down with the 'blog' sickness...

Wow, look at me. I've slacked for 5 whole days. Supwifdat? Apparently, this contagion that impairs expedious blogging ability has somehow entered my home through my internet connection and almost turned me into another Baer or Davester. Whew! That was close. At least I have some Mountain Dew onhand to curb the laziness.

A lot to report, so here's the rundown of what's happened in the past 5 days:

- Lara is outtahere. Dave's daughter moved to NC on Friday.
- Big Dave and Dana are out of town this week (scuba diving), so Eli is house-sitting for them. Ahh...free use of their pool.
- Let's just say I hate spyware that hijacks your web browser. It took ALL day Friday to purge my system of some nasty web-redirecting, windows corrupting bug.
- Crowd was down at church Sunday, but the music was good. :-). So was Jack's message.
- J-mo went to Indy for the USGP (race). Apparently had a really good time, though he returned with some 'interesting' tanlines...(Note to self: Wearing glasses in the sun can give you racing stripes on your temples). Relax, J-mo...at least you don't have to worry about sunburn on bald spots on your head :-\.
- David, Eli, and the Root joined us for small group Sunday night. Had crab legs, burgers, and watched "Along Came Polly."
- Went to the Guad last night. Steven also joined us, which was pretty cool. Wandered around, then went home.
- Finally coughed (vomited) up the dough for an Xbox this week...just so I could play "Chronicles of Riddick." My geekdom knows no bounds. (Don't worry...I had permission from the missus).
- Our friend at EBgames hooked us up with free bling: Frisbees, key caribiners, cups, beach balls, can openers, etc. Now we can actually exhibit our geekdom to the general public.

Okay...that's it. For those of you pulling your hair out waiting for an update. There it is. The moral of this story?

1. Spyware sucks.
2. Gaming is good.
3. So is Mexican food.
4. And a pool in 90+ degree weather.

KEY PHRASES: A shirt J-mo saw at Indy referring to Formula 1 racing: "Too dumb for opera. Too smart for NASCAR." (ooh..better be careful quoting that...this IS Alabama). "But Stacey, it's FOR the ministry."


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