I'm melting

Holy crap, it be hot. 90 degrees, but "feels like 94," according to weather.com. I think that whole heat index thing really is subjective...if you ask me what it 'feels like,' I'm going to tell you 125. A true heat index would count in body fat (for me that boosted that 90 to 114), what you're doing outside (yard work - boosts it up to 124), and a general freedom to gripe about it (rounds it up to 125). Now, if I can reduce that fat index, maybe it'd only feel like 111).
That storm that came in last night looked pretty cool as it rolled in. Lot of wind and lightning. I wish the photo could capture how it looked like the whole storm was rotating (imagine the white band of clouds rotating around the dark center, and that's what it looked like).
Well, back to it. Got the grass mowed, now I've got to do all my edging, weed eating, and I might even do some work in the planters (trimming shrubs, planting new plants), and maybe...just...maybe pressure wash the driveway/back porch and then wash the cars.
I might be a little too ambitious.
Either way, maybe I can beg the Anderson's for some free time in their pool ;-).
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