Monday, August 15, 2005

When it's up to dad to raise a daughter...

Today, I'm sitting downstairs sorting out bills, when Kailyn walks by pushing a little pink stroller. Very girl-like.

Suddenly, she pulls an umbrella out of the stroller, literally scowls at what I can only imagine are imaginary foes in the room, then proceeds to point the umbrella at these unseen foes making machine gun sounds. Then, after apparently eliminating her opposition, she quietly puts the umbrella back in the stroller and pushes her babydoll (in the stroller) across the living room like nothing ever happened...then she starts singing.

Holy crap. At least she's just playing...but I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

So much for any parent-of-the-year awards.

No more action movies when Kailyn's around...heh.


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