Thursday, November 13, 2003

It be cold...

I think with the cold air came the realization that Thanksgiving is 2 weeks away. Supwifdat??? It seems like just yesterday we were sweating our butts off in the summertime air. Wait...we were...'cause it was 80 in November. Really, as you know, I like the cold air...I just like a little smoother transition to winter. Last night it felt like fall/winter/whatever came with a bang...lots of rain and very high winds...and today, it is incredibly of those "who's garbage can is that in the street?" kind of days.

Anyhoo...I'll leave amateur-meteorology for a sec. Yesterday was a fun-filled day of chores, working on music, errands, and band practice. All went well, but no one wanted to eat after church. Guess that's a good thing, but I do like the social dimension of hanging out at Applebee's.... OH NO! I've caught Root-plague...get it off, get it off, get it off!!!!

Picked up some new threads from Goody's yesterday. I'll give them free advertising here just by saying why would you buy clothes at the mall? Everything's so much more expensive there. I don't buy clothes that often, but when I do, they usually have what I want. Now I'm ready for winter. And...according to Kyle's blog, since I'm 32 and I have the maturity level of a 21-year-old girl, then I can dress as young as I want (a little extrapolated logic there).

KEY PHRASES OF RECENT EVENTS: "Johnny's cheating? I knew it!" (J/k). "It's ironic that your last name is "moral." (again, j/k). Amber: "It's 'pukey-hell' over here." "Sometimes, I LIKE the fact that I can't hear my doorbell in the bonus room." "I can't feel my fingers." "Want me to feel them for you?"


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