Thursday, November 06, 2003

On mudslides and mood swings...

Ah..Jim N' Nick's for lunch...I was in culinary heaven. Cool thing is, they now sell their honey mustard in bottles...WOOHOO! Okay, if you've never had their honey mustard, don't's the shizzle. Culinary salvation in a bottle...mmmmm....mustard...honey...(insert Homer Simpson drooling noise here)

Today was going good... but around 5:30, Stacey settled into a pretty foul mood...of course, she had very little sleep last night, had to drive to Birmingham and back today, and she was dealing with a fussy toddler. Oh, to band practice I went, obvioulsy not in the best mood myself. And I'm not proud of that. I loathe bad moods, especially in myself. They feel like contradictions to a walk with Christ. No, I certainly don't want to be one of those "artificial-smile-no-matter-what-happiness-wannabes" that some Christians strive to be. I think we should feel free to express our emotions and be honest about how we feel. But not to the point that I hurt others or cease being a light for others just so I can let the world know what kind of a mood I'm in. But I should keep things in perspective...and weigh the frustrations of the day against the truth of my salvation. Again, if you think I'm sappy about this, realize that I spend a lot of time trying to find the truth behind what's become almost "cliche" in our faith. What value did some of our beliefs/values have before we turned the truth into bumper sticker cliches? In this case...I want to find the way to experience God's joy and a peace the "passes understanding" when circumstances are tough. As a cliche, being joyful in times of trouble is a copout. But as a learned truth - by finding joy amidst sorrow, that truth is a source of hope. Yes, it's a deep thought...and a rough one at that.

Anyway, after a short time of worship and rockin' out to a Tonic song, I felt much better. Amber practiced with us again, and...holy cow...she can harmonize to anything and it sounds freakin' awesome... It was very good having her at rehearsal again.

Afterwards, we went to Applebee's...Eric, Wendy (and co.), J-mo, Eli, and me... I just had a mud slide and a Coke. Woohoo... Another night of good times, talking about everything from Kyle (strangely absent from Applebee's) to stressful days to the Simpsons.

When I came home, Stacey was in a much better mood (thank God), and we watched the end of "Serendipity" together...that's a pretty cool movie. She went to bed early...God knows she needed to...but I've still been up wasting a little time listening to some .mp3s.

But no more....must...get sleep...

PHRASES OF THE EVENING: "No, I just LOOK like I want to kill somebody." "My dog gives me good "fur." (J-mo - supwifdat?). "I will never call my wife stupid...she's smart like me...S-M-R-T. (Chad).


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