Monday, November 17, 2003

Life without Guad...

Monday with no Guad. What am I going to do? Have to film a video instead.

Can I survive? Can I do without a margarita? Wait...when was the last time I had a margarita? I can have Mexican and a Coke AFTER I film. That's it. WOOHOO!

It's been a reflective morning...worrying about an old friend and overanalyzing everything. So, enough. You may have read this blog earlier and wondered what happened to the long post I submitted. Well, I decided to change it...delete most of it. I didn't want anything mis-interpreted. Like I said, I'm worried about an old friend of mine, and upon re-reading my entry, I decided it could sound like I was railing on one person instead of just "ranting" (which I was).

But I will leave this food for thought in here, 'cause I've been chewing on it:

Are matters of faith and the mission of the Gospel so irrelevant to our "lost" generation, who hasn't fought in a great war or lived through a great depression or lived in a time of political and religious oppression a sec...

Hmm...the answer is right there, isn't it? It mattered to people in times much tougher than ours (though, some would argue differently...even so, there's a lesson there). It's BECAUSE of the confusion and the bitterness and the pain that our mission is more important than ever before...and faith is needed more than ever before.

The challenge: How do we connect with a generation who is largely biased AGAINST Christianity and anything to do with it? I read just this morning an article on how "political correctedness" is getting grossly out of hand...and anything pertaining to Christianity (ironically, not Islam) is being rooted out of culture, particularly this time of year. Yikes...that's all I can say. How can you talk about Christ, when the mere name of the son of God causes many to throw up barriers?

KEY PHRASES OF THE MORNING: "I'll let her PAY me back." "I thought he was more of a snowball than a snowflake."


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