Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Kris Kristofferson returns...

Yikes, that's scary if I truly sound like that dude, and, according to Jack, I did Sunday. Again...yikes.

Still battling the Decaturitis Phage...er...cold. Once again, the entire left side of my head has clogged up to the point that I can't even breathe through my left nostril. I feel like a walking/talking Nyquil commercial...I've got the whole stuffy nose, sneezing, aching, fever, coughing, I-need-my-rest thing going on.

Other than sickness, today was a pretty good day to stay inside and recover. WOOHOO! I did manage to get all the music out, and this coming Sunday ought to be a BIGGIE when it comes to music. 8 or 9 songs instead of 4 or 5.

Missed out on the Guad tonight, though. So did Stacey and J-mo, since he said he might be fighting off some kind of illness, too. Ironically, Eli was the only one to show up. I called her around 7:15 (I think), and told her (jokingly) I'd be there by the time her food was served. LOL. Touche! Really, she seemed kind of irritated. Sorry that no one communicated the whole sickness aversion thing to her, but, hey...it's happened vice-versa, too. So...pbbbbbbbt! (sticking you tongue out sound). We're entitled to a freebie absence or two, right? Peace...don't hit me or blog-zing me...:-).

My vote for favorite Superbowl commercials: Third place: The Lays "grandparents" commercial. Second place: The Budweiser Donkey.
First place: Of course, the Simpsons MasterCard commercial.

KEY PHRASES: "It's easy...take 30 seconds, log in, type something, hit 'publish.' Hint, hint." "Wow...a bunch of women hanging out in a room, soaking their feet. Hmmm... That's what I call an estrogen-rich environment." "I got da funk...and some of it's leaking."


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