Saturday, March 06, 2004

It's 1:30 a.m....

The song "3 a.m." has been done, so what about 1:30 a.m.?

Well, it's 1:30 a.m., and I must be...tired... Today has been a surprisingly long day.

First, Kailyn's screaming at the top of her lungs while doing anything uncomfortable...and it has finally gotten to me. Tonight, one of her earrings fell out, so we had to put it back in. would've thought that we were sacrifing our baby to some sun god...she was screaming SO loud, and it was all Stacey and I could do to hold her still (wow, she's strong for a 20-month-old). Hopefully, this phase will pass like the doctor suggests it will. Then, we realized just how much she hates thunder after we put her down to sleep. Oh, well, I can't complain too much about her...she's been SUCH a good baby and I'm sure this phase will indeed pass.

Second, I didn't get nearly enough crud done around the house today. Take one part sleepiness, 2 parts overwhelming amounts of work, 1 severe weather concern, then stir in a little depression, and BAM!... a recipe for a lack of productivity.

We went to dinner tonight at Red Lobster (again). Real quick, in and out sort of dinner (yes, J-mo, too)...but the brief hiatus of dinner was not enough to 'redeem' the day entirely on its own.

So, what was good about today? For the past couple of hours, I've just been playing around on the Roland. I just hit the "piano" button and started playing. It's a very therapeutic way to calm my nerves and, honestly, connect with God. No singing, no specific song involved...just playing...connecting... a very cool thing to do. Heck, I needed it.

This particular Saturday will probably be another very long day...-sigh- In one day, I'm going to have to get stuff done I didn't get done here, prepare/run the sound for the concert tonight, and do what I can to resolve other things going on with a friend of mine. It's not that it's really too overwhelming to handle... I just needed to vent about it, I guess.

Sometimes, I would give ANYTHING if life could - if even for just a few moments - resemble something where issues don't plague everything...where babies don't cry, spirituality was an EASY thing, we were all IN SHAPE, and we could live together in perfect harmony with one another (sheesh...isn't that an old Coca-Cola commercial?). This is definitely wishful thinking, but ANY movement towards this is not really impossible...not if we actually strive to be Christ-like, I think... Really - all exaggeration aside - I just want to experience an Acts 2 community...period. I've experienced it before, and I've experienced it here. I just want to experience it again...

God...are you listening? Yeah, I know...stupid question...sorry...

KEY PHRASES: "Easy, Kailyn, it will all be over soon...bwa-ha-ha-ha (evil laugh)." (J/K, of course). "Nice shirt." "Holy wind, Batman." "What next?"


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