Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Is Kyle pointing or flipping us off?

Heh...see Kyle's blog for a Riverfest pic of him doing his cool "Im-a-guitar-player" thing...

Man, I would have to agree with Eric that a great weekend followed by a really crappy Monday really SUCKS... I won't go into details, except to say that pregnant women are prone to some extreme hormonal ups and downs. From everything I hear and read, that's normal...but I just haven't learned to cope with it myself, I guess. So, I can't really blame Monday's suckage on anyone but myself, really, since I let something get to me too much.

We didn't even do our weekly 'Guaddage' last night. Someone check the temperature in hell...I bet Satan is wearing long johns.

I must say again that Philip Hughes saved the day Saturday by helping the sound 'helpers' at Riverfest get the sound right...and last Sunday night by loaning us his band's subs. I've met very few people with such a heart to help and serve when there is absolutley NOTHING in it for them. Let's quit talking about needing to do something for him and figure out something for real...

rFest...I like Scott's name, but the bluegrass band of elderly people who played before us might not. Somehow...I just get that idea ;-).

Oh, note to self: If I ever play "live" music to an audio track instead of a live band (which I will not actually do...ever), at least do NOT just hold an unplugged guitar to make it look like I'm actually playing it. Guess you guys had to be there to see what we saw, but we cried....hehe.

KEY PHRASES: "A little butt rub makes everything better." (slogan for a BBQ business at Riverfest). "Stop smoking." "I'm having Star Wars overload."


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