Tuesday, February 15, 2005

"I write a column by the name of Jane Doe"

Passing on bad habits. Like her dad, Kailyn loves movies nowadays. Shrek. Shrek 2. Lilo and Stitch. Toy Story. Finding Nemo. Dinosaur. And on and on.

She's watched them so much with all the rain and stuff lately, I've got the theme music from those movies running through my head. I believe I could quote both Shrek movies from end to end. I can tell you that the dentist who caught Nemo is named P. Sherman and lives on 42 Wallaby Way in Sydney, Australia. I went to sleep last night with "You've Got a Friend in Me" drowning out any peace and quiet within my own mind that I was seeking.

But before I begin a treatise on watching too much TV or filling our lives with too much noise, that's not what bothers me now.

I can quote movies. I love movies. My brother and I creep people out when we recall obscure movie quotes like the "Not now, Madeline" line from Star Trek IV or the "I talked to your husband this morning and I was wondering..." "My husband's in Utah." "...what I was doing in Utah this morning" dialogue from Fletch. And so can Kailyn...when it comes to her movies. She can see a scene coming, and utter out a line from it before it's spoken.


(warning: spirituality ahead)

I can quote a movie Kailyn's watching (even when I'm not and it's just been running in the 'background' all day). But I can't do the same with Scripture. Sure, I know a few key references. I know a LOT of scripture quotes and the context of them, but I wish I could live/breathe the Word like I can movie lines.

After all, the "You think he's compensating for something?" line from Shrek can't possibly be considered "useful for teaching" and guide the way I live my life. So why don't I spend the same time in God's word? I don't "study" movies. I just see them. Then see them again. Then they're in my head. Seems like it should be that easy with Scripture. Can't I just read my Bible? It's not a textbook, after all. Maybe if I just read it...and reread it...it'll stick. Maybe I won't be able to reference all the verse numbers and chapters, but at least I can absorb the words.

Guess I'm feeling a bit pathetic that I can better remember various lines Jim Carrey said to Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber than I can remember what the Lord said to Abraham after his son Isaac's life was spared from sacrifice. Honestly, I think God could laugh at Dumb and Dumber...but...what Abraham heard God say is important. "You sold my dead parakeet to a blind kid?" is not important.

Before you accuse me of being facetious or even sacriligious, realize that I'm having a "Look, I'm stoopid" moment. Meaning...that if I could fill my head with more of God's words than Hollywood's, how much more effective of a tool of his could I be? Sure, a movie quote can elicit a laugh or be an ice breaker in a conversation...but knowing Scripture can teach, edify, etc....myself and others.


On the bright side, I can beat just about anybody in one of those DVD movie trivia quote board games. Anyone want to play?


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