Friday, March 26, 2004

Mad Cow Disease

Wow...I don't know what I have come down with. It's one thing to have a lot of extra 'reading' time on my hands, but throw in a 101 degree fever, and it just plain sucks. Yes, that's the word. It's downright misery.

No one I know has a stomach bug. Mine started 4 a.m. after I ate at Logan's Wednesday night. Maybe it was that super undercooked steak that was supposed to be cooked medium, but was almost rare. I did not eat much of it, in fact, because of that. But who knows... Right now, the thought of any kind of meat is pretty repulsing (Eric, is converting to vegetarianism easy? Heh)

I hope it's not some kind of a virus, or Kailyn may be next...and that's a lot of fun (for her and me).

In other news, J-mo's parents arrive today. J-mo, it's been nice having you around. We should've thrown you a party or something. Hehe...just kidding. I'm glad you have a good relationship with your 'rents, and it's pretty cool that they're here. In preparation for his parents coming, I 'attempted' to help him get some stuff done at his house yesterday, but I felt too lousy to be a real help. Intestinal discomfort and furniture moving are not compatible it seems.

Came home...went to bed early...woke up feeling dizzy (with fever) and nauseated. I feel a tad better now that I'm not so sleepy, but I'm still waiting on some meds to kick in and make me all better :-).

KEY PHRASES: "(insert moaning sound here)." "Wow, J-mo...there's a house buried under all this stuff!"


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