Friday, February 18, 2005

Usually Fridays...

...start better than this.

Ow. My head. If headaches are contagious, I've caught one. One of those back-of-your-neck-over-the-scalp-to-behind-your-eyeballs kind of headaches. What a way to round out the week...

But at least I'm still in a good mood.

The week's been a busy one. Some highlights:

- Valentine's Day. I remembered a card. And Steak Out at home is less 'crowded' than eating out on Valentine's Day. But not cheaper. Ouch.

- Spent a good portion of my time Wednesday late afternoon cleaning and re-designing the stage layout at the church. I moved the drums and the amps to new locations (whilst laughing maniacally, imagining the weeping and gnashing of teeth it would arouse...but alas, nada...j/k). I also sorted through a huge mess of speaker cables (3 cables, but only 2 speakers...hmmm...), mic cables, and other odds and ends that looked like they were being used, but were just actually laying on the floor creating an obstacle course for the church rodent population.

- Band practice went well. But I have a love/hate relationship with some older worship songs (yes, I know...I pick them...maybe it's brain damage). This week, it's "The Potter's Hand." Why? It 'fits' the theme this week. Besides, I like the words. I can even get the tune in my head and enjoy it. I can do this because it meant something to me in the past...not because it's a great song necessarily, but it was sung at a time God spoke to me at a conference years ago, and the words challenged me. But...the original recording (and even some of the lyrics) the standards of my current musical taste. I endeavoured to rewrite it by changing up some chords and the piano part, but the song cannot avoid its inherent cheesiness. Still, maybe it sounds better than I think it does (-insert amazed laughter from the band here-). But even with the changes, I can't get the original arrangement out of my head... Maybe I need to write my own song that says the same thing...

- Applebee's. How'd I luck out on getting to go to the Leatherman Eatery after band practice? (yikes). Appetizer Sampler - $9.99. Drink - $1.50. Lots of 'personal reading time' at 3 a.m. - "priceless." Take it easy on the wings, Kev...

- Last night, I had 'man time' at home. Before you think that's something gross, let me clarify that 'man time' (for me) is having the house to myself with wife and child gone. She went to a friends' house to get her hair color retreated and she took Kailyn with her. So...what did I do? Hit the drum clinic with the guys? Watch Spike TV? Throw a kegger? I played Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for a couple of hours. Maybe I didn't make the best use of my time, but a couple of hours of 'distraction-free' gaming can be a bit euphoric. I need to 'suggest' that Stacey find more nights to do things like that with friends so I try out 'distraction-free' home studio setup and testing.

On with today...anyone got any Tylenol?


Blogger THE J Mo said...

Sorry about your headache and your forced "reading time". At least it's the weekend now.

9:54 PM  

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