Sunday, August 28, 2005

Here they come...


I never thought I'd see this day again...

When Stacey's parents would come to visit.

But...they're coming. September 9.

I'm partly excited, 'cause they haven't EVER seen their grandkids. And her dad is pretty cool. Besides, it could be a step towards healing.

But I'm also downright terrified. There's been so much enmity between Stacey and her mom over the years, I fear that we're about to engage in some serious drama. Too long of a history to go into here...but I can sum up their relationship in the simple facts that she did NOT come to our wedding in 1998 and she hasn't bothered to come see her grandchildren...ever. Shocking. Unnerving. The woman has demonstrated open hatred of me (to the point of voicing a desire that Stacey divorce me), has expressed similar hatred for the kind of church/job I'm a part of, and has been generally critical of everything I (and Stacey) do.

This used to eat at me a lot, but I've learned to tolerate it over the years...and even pray a LOT that there can be healing. this a step?

They're making an effort. I don't know what has prompted it. Maybe answered prayer... Maybe they've decided enough is enough, and want to put things behind them and re-engange in a relationship with us. I can hope. I can speculate until I'm blue in the face. But they're coming nonetheless. Even after so much...s*** has happened over the years. So...I have to wrestle with my own bitterness here and try to extend the best courtesy I can. I'll welcome them with open arms and hope for the best.

Is that too unrealistic? I've had that attitude come back and bite me in the a$$ in the past. I just hope it does not this time.

So, if any of you out there can cram an extra prayer into your schedules, remember this coming event. I pray it's a new beginning between them and us, rather than just another disappointing visit filled with tension and childish attitudes. In all honesty, if it weren't for these issues, they're very likable people.

If/when any of you guys meet them, just be encouraging and demonstrate the kind of love for them they (probably) need so much in their lives.


Blogger THE J Mo said...

WOW. I know in the past you've explained "the situation" with your in-laws to me so I know what a huge step this is. At least it's a step in SOME direction be it for the better or worse.

I'll be prayin for you guys.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I am still in shock about this since yesterday. I will be praying for you guys. I admire you for opening yourself up for what with all the odds and all seems that hurt will come your way. Just remember God honors that. Your heart that is. I am one of those kind of people who open myself up for pain like that. I have had to realize in the past that it is not so much how they respond that is rewarding but at the end of the day you can look at it and know it is not about what someone else does, but what you do. Just a thought. Love you guys.

10:35 AM  

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