El Nino is Spanish for..."The Nino"

Anchor: Welcome to "WeatherScope". The biggest news this season, undoubtedly, the huge mass of warm Pacific water known as El Nino. Though it has caused torrential downpours in the Pacific region, El Nino has also dominated many tropical storms, preventing them from becoming hurricanes. In a dramatic development, the Weather Channel has captured the following satellite images of the mysterious phenomenon known as.. El Nino.
[cut to El Nino standing in front of huge winds delivering his pitch in the style of a professional wrestler]
El Nino: I am El Nino! All other tropical storms must bow before El Nino! Yo soy El Nino! For those of you who don't "habla Espanol", El Nino is Spanish for.. The Nino! To any of you hurricanes who are listening, step on up! Because nobody can take El Nino! I challenge any of you punk-ass tropical storms to a no-holds barred cage match! Any time! Any coast! I swear to God all Mighty it is time to pay the piper, 'cause El Nino's coming for ya! And it ain't gonna be pretty!
As Adam Sandler would, say..."OMG, that's funny!!!" Anyway, want to watch part of it?
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