Sunday, February 20, 2005

Lost in delirium...

Sunday afternoon. Almost synonomous with naptime. Laying here on the couch, my eyelids are heavy and my mind is bouncing from thought to thought.

(thinking about this morning)

I thought church went really well this morning, though Dave's sinus issues seemed to be taking their toll on him after church (you couldn't tell he was sick at all during the service, though).

***side note***

Church went 'well.' What does that mean, anyway? That dude who spoke at Jeff Deyo's concert a couple of weeks ago asked the same question. Does it mean the music went well? Does it mean everything 'flowed' without a hitch? Did the sermon go well? Or should it mean, "Did God move in people's minds/hearts?" "Was God honored? Worshipped?"


I guess I have to mean that - for me - I experienced God this morning. That's actually very surprising, given the fact that my week has been so hectic. I know that it shouldn't surprise me, since God always seems to make himself most 'present' in my life in rough times. Still, I was surprised. I felt like I was worshipping. At one point, I didn't care if the crowd was or not...which is a big thing for me. I hope they were, but I felt some sort of switch go on in my brain that allowed me to just worship regardless of the crowd's engagement of the song.

In this sense, church went 'well' for me.

The music sounded good, Dave's message was great, and the community seemed friendly. I even liked communion with goldfish and soft drinks. In our hyper-religious community, I'm sure that would step on some people's toes - or, at the very least, add to the gossip about how liberal (or even heretical) we are. But I doubt the machine-processed communion wafers and Welch's grape juice that other churches use are any more like the bread and wine that Jesus shared at his communion table than what we shared was. Plus, I doubt I'll ever drink a soft drink again without getting the reminder about the experience.

(thoughts shifting to Mozilla)

I'm typing this on Firefox. Thought I'd give it a try. Does that make me software-chic? I doubt it. But to just be able to say, "I use 'Mozilla'" in a room full of computer-geek wannabes at least makes me 'appear' more tech savvy than I actually am.

(...shifting...again...and again...)

- Kailyn and Stacey are napping. She was really "whiny" this morning (Kailyn, not Stacey), but she's doing much better this afternoon. Part of me hates it that she's feeling better, because I know her busted tooth is still 'busted' and a trip to the dentist this week may involve additional pain. Ouch. Don't get me wrong....I'm THRILLED she's feeling okay. I just want it to be a lasting thing where she feels okay WITHOUT a pending (and painful) dental visit to come.

- Just how many versions of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" are there? There's one playing on SciFi channel right now. It's a boring version with lots of sappy music, though it looks recent. So sappy, though...makes me want to put in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" just to see a cooler vision of the Nautilus and Captain Nemo (as a martial-arts swordsman with a Nautilus armed with missiles, etc....heh). I care that much? Okay, turning off the TV now...

- Did Kyle really strike up a conversation with 2 girls in Nashville? Was it really, "Were you girls in Huntsville last night?" or was it more "Can I borrow the salt?" kind of "I talked to girls" thing? Need to talk to J-mo for corroboration on the details. Heh...j/k, Kyle.

- zzzzz....closing my eyes for real now...


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