Festivus, anyone? - part 2
I saw on the news this week how some dude in California set himself on fire to protest the local school system's decision to use the phrases "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Easter" as opposed to the more generic, politically correct "Happy Holidays" and "Spring Vacation."
Need I say more? What a freak show... I guess I need to carry a fire extinguisher around with me whenever I deliver my well-intended "Merry Christmas" greeting to people I encounter at the bank, the grocery store, wherever...
Nevermind that a lack of religious language (use of words like "Christmas," "Easter") and symbolism (manger scenes, etc.) is also a religious perspective - meaning, a perspective that wishes to exclude religious perspective is, in one sense, a religious perspective in and of itself. Nevermind that the majority of the people in this country celebrate Christmas... I guess we've re-written the constition to mean "Freedom from religion" instead of "Freedom of religion."
Goobs. It boils down to this: Just because one person might be tired or sick of something shouldn't be reason to spoil it for everyone else. Period. You don't like manger scenes? Don't look at them. Drive by. You don't like someone saying, "Merry Christmas?" Respond with "Seasons' Greetings" or "Happy Holidays." Change the channel rather than wach 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" on TBS. Don't cover your house with Christmas lights. Skip the egg nog. Order pizza instead of eating turkey and ham. No one's making you do it. You're free to hate it.
Just don't set yourself on fire.
Need I say more? What a freak show... I guess I need to carry a fire extinguisher around with me whenever I deliver my well-intended "Merry Christmas" greeting to people I encounter at the bank, the grocery store, wherever...
Nevermind that a lack of religious language (use of words like "Christmas," "Easter") and symbolism (manger scenes, etc.) is also a religious perspective - meaning, a perspective that wishes to exclude religious perspective is, in one sense, a religious perspective in and of itself. Nevermind that the majority of the people in this country celebrate Christmas... I guess we've re-written the constition to mean "Freedom from religion" instead of "Freedom of religion."
Goobs. It boils down to this: Just because one person might be tired or sick of something shouldn't be reason to spoil it for everyone else. Period. You don't like manger scenes? Don't look at them. Drive by. You don't like someone saying, "Merry Christmas?" Respond with "Seasons' Greetings" or "Happy Holidays." Change the channel rather than wach 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" on TBS. Don't cover your house with Christmas lights. Skip the egg nog. Order pizza instead of eating turkey and ham. No one's making you do it. You're free to hate it.
Just don't set yourself on fire.
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