Check your bloggage...
Paid off a substantial amount of debt yesterday. A BIG WOOHOO! Some of our payments will now be cut in half! It's great to see some things start to get more manageable. Also, we should be getting our security deposit and pet deposit back from the house we rented in Dunbarton (at least, I can't think of a reason why we shouldn't get it back). That'll be like $1200 we can use on whatever...debt, moving furniture from Atlanta to here...we'll just have to see.
Band practice was productive last night...amidst the random burps and kids' roaming around. There are some things we need to work on to improve our stage presence, and it may mean more work, but the irony of the "more work" thing is that it means on Sunday we can have more fun doing what we're doing...worshipping. There will always be technical issues and missed notes, but the more we can reduce those, the better an experience Sunday morning will be. Also, a good worshipful and servant mindset begun during the week and carried into Sunday can give us a kind of implicit "stage energy" - because we've been connecting with God and his mission for us all week! Heck, such a mindset can help us defeat discouragement that arises because of inevitable missed notes and tech issues.
Afterwards, we went to Applebee's. Another good time all around. "CBS's" for all the guys (LOL). Good service, too. Came home afterwards and went almost straight to sleep. I was pretty tired.
Today I'm going to pick up "Call of Duty" if it's already made it to the local EBgames. WOOHOO! That game should be incredible...the demos were amazing.
KEY PHRASES OF THE DAY: "Jonathan, no more dream stories...I don't want to hear about your dreams...I'm disturbed, now." "My BFOH was stuck in the BFOT and my BSOR crashed right after my BHOFFORTDO locked up, so I fixed it with a screwdriver"...ROFL. "Ewww...Jordan, you didn't bring any food up with that burp, did you?" "Ben 2003 edition takes up more 'hard disk space' than Ben 2001 edition. I blame metabolism." "It's easier to convert people to Christ than to get them to watch the Simpsons." "You're starting to get into politics? That'"