Thursday, December 30, 2004

This is real...

The latest number (as of today) of people that died in the Asian tsunami is up to 117,000. That's un-freakin-believable.

Sitting here warm in my middle class house in small town America where the biggest news that's happened here lately is that fire they had at that container place a few months ago, it's easy to be a bit indifferent to news of this magnitude. But this is HUGE. As one website I read put it, we are "witnesses to one of the greatest natural disasters in ALL of world history." 117,00 people dead and rising. Right now, that's DOUBLE the population of the people who reside in Decatur. That's 5-6 times the number of people who died in Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted centuries ago, in another great natural disaster of the world. It's something like 45-50 times the number of people who died on 9/11/01.

This is not a movie like "The Day After Tomorrow." And, after all the number of deaths in terrorist attacks and wars going on in the world, this story may seem like just another headline. But it isn't. On a nice, sunny day in Asia, the lives of thousands and thousands of people were drowned out...literally... This really happened, and there's a whole section of our world crying out with a deeper pain than most of us will ever know...

God, I don't want to sit here numb to this kind of a tragedy...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Hope that Christmas was good to everyone out there this year... It's supposed to be good every year I know, but with all stress of family gatherings and shopping, the commercialized 'crap' that plagues the holiday, and political correctedness issues of the season, the goodness of the holiday can get buried...making it suck for so many of us from time to time...

But for us, not this year... it's been all good (so far)...very tiring, but all good.

First, we headed out to Hotlanta on the 23rd... Taking a cue from the Heavy E travel guide, we decided to avoid the stress of interstates and took back roads as far as we dared before picking up I-20 near the GA state line. Turned out to be a beautiful, relaxing drive...until Atlanta, that is, where I-285 can test anyone's patience. Nothing like screaming along with a flow of traffic on a 5 lane highway going 90 in a 55 mph zone. Much stress... At least I grew up there, so I'm used to it...

Got to spend that evening with my folks and my brother. It was nice to see them... Had our "Christmas" (present swap) with them on Christmas Eve, had some good food, then packed back in the car to head back to Decatur in the evening. Again, once we got off I-20 near Lincoln, AL, the trip turned into a very stress-free easy drive, and it only took us 3.5 hours to get home.

Today was probably the most relaxed Christmas Day least since I was a kid. Just Stacey, Kailyn, and me. Kailyn really enjoyed waking up to some new toys, and Stacey and I just loved watching our efforts pay off. It makes all the difference in the world if you go into a holiday more concerned about someone else's happiness than your own. I can't wait 'til she can start comprehending more about the real meaning of Christmas and starts to understand the story about Jesus and all that...

Only downside of all this was the fact that many of the toys Kailyn received make a LOT of noise... What were we thinking???

J-mo came over this evening, had some more Christmas grub, then we watched "Collateral." Pretty good flick...

Anyway, after reading J-mo's blog, I got to thinking about some of the fun Christmas 'stuff' I received as a kid, too...

  • Atari 2600 - have to agree big time with J-mo on this one. By the time we stopped playing Combat and Asteroids, the sun had gone down...
  • Star Wars Toys - the X-wing where you pushed R-2 to make the s-foils open, and had the button that made the engine sounds. The Tie-Fighter where you squeezed the buttons to make the wings fall off. The Millenium Falcon that you could take the top off of and see inside...
  • Train sets and Race tracks....TRC, Tyco...I loved the electric smell of those things once they got warmed up...
  • A pedal-powered red firetruck. That's my first Christmas memory...driving that thing around my parents' house, bumping into everything...
  • An Erector set - Dunno why, but I loved that thing. I spent so much of the day putting together metal tanks and spaceships, that it was - again - dark outside before I knew it, and that depressed me, because that meant Christmas was over, and I never looked up from my erector set all day. (Sadly, "Erector" today would probably elicit more giggles from people than it did then...heh...I'm giggling myself...).

As for one standout Christmas memory...One year...I must've been about 10, neither my brother or I could sleep at all. My mom had told us we could go down when the sun was up, so we literally watched out the window most of the night (we had no clock in our room at the time). I mistook the glow of some halogen street lamps in the distance for the sunrise, and we were downstairs at 3 a.m. (sans parents) looking at everything 'Santa' had left for us... I can still remember the anger and disappointment on my mom's face when she came down to find out what all the noise was... That was the last year we went down without checking with them first...LOL... I still remember, though...that was the year of my first TYCO train set and Stomper vehicles (those little battery-powered 4X4 vehicles). Still, the day turned out to be really good after that. I can still remember trying to get the engine on that train set to churn out smoke from the fluid you poured into the engine. It never did quite work...heh...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Getting kicked in the chestnuts...


Stacey's had a vacation malfunction at work. Without going into much detail here, I'll only say that time off she expected to have is not available right now, and that has fouled up our Christmas travel plans. In addition to that, her ailing co-worker pharmacist has so many doctor's appointments planned, that too has fouled up the one small window we could travel to Atlanta to see my folks. -Sigh- Good thing she loves her job, 'cause this side of it is a big headache right now.

But, I'm not alone...or my complaints are weak, really... Ran into Wendy last night at Office Depot who told us how their wonderful weekend at the Biltmore was followed by a ridiculous work snafu at Eric's job and how he was still at work at 7:30 p.m. Ouch. That really sucks when a good weekend is eclipsed by stupid stuff back in the real world...

Anyway, on the happier side of life, Kailyn's started doing some goofy stuff...

- We put this inflatable snowman up in the yard because she loves them in other people's yards. Sadly, she's terrified of the snowman up close (having watched it inflate the first time...weird how that stuff is so terrifying to children), so she only looks at it through the upstairs window. She likes the snowman as long as she's inside and it is outside.

- We've been missing a cordless phone for 2 weeks. Given our tendency to misplace things, at first I wasn't too concerned, but when it didn't turn up under the usual couch cushions, etc., I really began to wonder. But I found it last night zipped up in a camera bag under our bed. As soon as I found it, Kailyn said, "Kailyn's phone...Kailyn's purse," and then it became obvious who had put it there. I just said..."Daddy's phone," and put the long-dead phone back in its charging cradle.


Just read we're in a winter storm watch because they're expecting 1/10" accumulation of ice. Supwifdat? That's nothing. Guess they issued the watch only because of all the people traveling this time of year and would drive stupid even IF there was no ice...

KEY PHRASES: "I'm specil." "What the crap does 'yule' mean, anyway?" (in the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy, maybe it's like "Yule be home fur christmas, ight?")

Sunday, December 19, 2004

"Hallelujah...holy ____....where's the Tylenol?"

(Chevy Chase, Christmas Vacation)

What a busy weekend....I feel so tired and beat up by the cold weather, the lack of sleep, and generally sore muscles.

But, the VBC shindig is finally behind us. A lot of work went into getting that thing prepped for, but it wound up being cool. I wish it wasn't so late (after the hockey game), and more people could've stayed longer, but it was fun while they could. Still, I could have done without the breaking of strings on not one, but two guitars... Note to self: Must play softer...

Random notes about the event:

- The meeting room was COLD to begin with, but when the crowd got there, it got HOT...
- There were probably about 130 people who showed up from various churches in Killen, Guntersville, and Decatur...
- J-mo's drums sounded pretty good, as did our guitar amps. I loved being able to turn the Vox up more than a 1/4 turn...
- Teenagers are more fun to play for than adults. They just have fun doing whatever...
- It was nice being able to drive our vehicles right into the room to unload them. Very cool...
- Kailyn apparently loved watching the hockey game. 2 1/2 year old daughter likes hockey. Fights and all. (I'm a great dad...).
- Props to Eli for showing up all 'blinged' out for the event...
- BIG props to Philip for letting us use his sound system AND renting the trailer for us. As I've said before, he's got an incredible heart to lend a hand...
- It was very nice to play on a big stage. Lots of room to move around. LOTS...
- Scott's right. Though we like "3 a.m.", most teenagers do not... Heh...
- I've never seen a human being jump over another human being standing up before...
- I liked the Kailyn/Emma mosh pit...
- Never break an A-string
- Never break a low E-string
- Dave likes to yell at refs...LOL.

All in all it was fun.

Church this morning was fun, too. Had several people voice how much they loved the 'rockin' set of songs this a.m., though someone griped on a comment card that it was too loud. -sigh- Some people just don't get it. This morning's songs were supposed to be loud. I think some people view all guitar-driven music as 'loud,' though. Again, some people just don't get it.

But we like it loud :->

Monday, December 13, 2004

"I think I froze the left half of my brain...

...look, I can't move my right arm!" (Charles De Mar, Better Off Dead - GREAT 80s movie)...

Sheesh, it's cold. Very...cold. Probably was stupid to sit outside tonight and watch the meteor shower, too. I can't feel my...extremities. But, it was worth it. Saw several dozen meteors, including some of those big ones that leave long trails across the sky called 'earth grazers,' or something like that. Some of them even changed color (from white to green) as they blazed across the sky. Overall, it was pretty cool to spend time out there and ACTUALLY see meteors...pretty cool testaments to God's creation, IMO.

The weekend, though long, wound up being a really good one. Spent pretty much all day Saturday re-arranging the bonus room. I swapped the location of the computers with the location of the futon/entertainment center. I think it makes better use of our space up there. On the downside, though, my back's been sore as a mother ever since. Had to move all the furniture myself, since pregnant women (like Stacey) aren't supposed to lift heavy objects. D'oh!

On Sunday, Chad came up for church. It was good to see him before he moves to New Orleans... He's been kinda like the last 'remnant' of my old life in Birmingham...the only steady friend I've kept in touch with since my Mountaintop days.

I found his engagement of the worship to be pretty encouraging. Heh, by that, I mean watching people like him and Stacey actually get 'into' the worship experience that morning was a good thing. No baggage. No crap. No 'issues.' Just honest, sincere desires to seek God and worship. No "I had a crappy week" issues. No "something's wrong with the music" issues. -Sigh- Honestly, I think Crosspoint could greatly benefit to see a few people like him get see people get involved with a passion for God...plain and simple...

Sunday night, Philip, Leslie, Wes, Kim, and (eventually) J-mo made it out to small group. We just chilled out, played some PC games, then got into a viscious match of Mario Kart. Though I pulled out on top in most races, J-mo won one or two and even Philip - once he got the hang of it - became a tough competitor. Sadly, Leslie's "kart skilz" were reminiscent of what it might be like to drive on ice with bald tires. LOL. Still, she had fun, and if we can get Eli back into the game, Leslie would have some fair competition. Heh!

Anyway, going to go boil my hands in hot water or stick my head in the gas fireplace to try to warm up a bit.


Friday, December 10, 2004

"I fear I've re-dorkulated"

("Simpsons" quote from Professor guys don't know what you're missing...)

I guess I am a dork. Specifically, though, I Christmas "geek," or something like it. Every year my house is more and more 'blinged' out with lights and such. I try to keep it tasteful, though, and not fill every nook and cranny with junk. But we do have 2 trees, a lit mantle, and a lot of lights on the exterior of the house. I dunno...ever since I was a kid, I've loved all the lights and stuff. I even love all the sappy old Christmas recordings by Nat King Cole or Bing Crosby.

I try to keep my love for Christmas alive even when surrounded by so many people for whom even just saying the phrase "Merry Christmas" makes them nearly vomit. I don't blame them, though. The over-commercialization of Christmas...the stress of gift-buying/preparing meals/preparing for company...all the work in decorating and undecorating...the diversion from the real meaning of Christmas...that stuff gets When Stacey worked at Walgreens or Wal-mart, she was sick of Christmas by Thanksgiving. Constant Muzak playing Christmas songs starting on Halloween can get old, I'm sure. So does the constant presence of cheap-o electronic "singing" snowmen or Christmas trees. In fact, this is the first year in years she's felt like she can just sit back and 'enjoy' Christmas, now that her job doesn't 'assault' her with the over-commercialized, retail-oriented crap. She even watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade this year with Kailyn.

Where does my geekdom come from? Though I always loved Christmas as a kid (for obvious reasons), my true love for the holiday came when I was a teenager. My home church was so large, that we had to have 3 separate Christmas Eve candlelighting services. Since the 7:00 service was so packed with people, one year I decided to go back to the 11:00 service. It was a very cool, very liturgical service. Low lighting...reflective music (traditional, but good)...a lot of responsive reading. The first time I attended that late service, I felt like it really 'focused' me on the the whole meaning of the holiday. And as I drove back home, I detoured through the neighborhoods, where I looked at all the houses all lit up (it's amazing how many houses are still lit after midnight on Christmas Eve), and everything just felt 'right.' When I got home, I got out of my car, and just stood out in my front yard under a full moon just praying to God... Ever since, Christmas has been a very spiritual time for me, even with all the hooplah of family visits, etc. For me, every light, every tree, every song I hear...they all remind me NOT of the commercialization of Christmas, but the real meaning of it.

I know. Sappy...dripping with sap. If you want to vomit, fine. No, I'm not sitting by the fireplace in a cardigan with a big hardback version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" in my lap. I'm not chugging down spiked eggnog (hmmm...). Stacey's not in the kitchen baking Christmas cookies and humming Christmas carols. I don't have a wreath on the front of the Expedition. I don't have Christmas stockings for our dogs. I don't own a Santa suit. I don't go caroling. I don't know what a yule log is. My favorite Christmas movie is "Christmas Vacation," not "It's a Wonderful Life." I wouldn't wear Christmas neckties, if I wore ties. If Dave were to buy more Christmas yard bling, I'm wouldn't go buy more lights just to keep up (yeah, I put out a lot of lights, but I'm out on competition...that's gay).

But this is not an attempt to get you to 'love' Christmas like I do, if you don't. Nah, my thoughts here are simply more like that guy in "A Christmas Story" reminiscing about fond memories of being a kid at Christmas, and how those memories still today drive my love for Christ, since he's always been the center of the holiday for me. Even if our politically 'correct' (-shudder-) world has tried all it can to remove any reference to Christ from Christmas, it doesn't work for me. It all makes me think about Him...

Thursday, December 02, 2004

If it oozes, kill it...

You know, one of the things I look forward to Kailyn learning the most is how to blow her own nose. Or wipe her own nose. Basically, anything she can learn to handle about her own nose herself would be a plus. That way, 'dad' wouldn't have to be the one who had the unappetizing job of wiping the gunk off her face that oozes out. Nasty, don't-read-this-blog-while-you're-eating sort of stuff...

So, how does a 2 year old actually get rid of the gunk in their nose you ask? FYI, they make this "great" invention called a bulb syringe, that you literally stick up in their nose and suck the gunk out. File that invention under 101 gross things I could live without having to use (or know about)...ever.

Now that you're grossed out, be thankful that you've only had to read about it. Unless, that is, you're also a parent who wasn't warned about that sort of thing before you decided to have kids...

In other, less 'germy' news, hooked up with J-mo, Eric, and his fam up at Emiron for the last part of the Fender-thingy going on up there. Got to hear some really good good that I sat in my chair thinking feeling like a toddler with a toy guitar (Set me=humbled). I bugged out while everyone was seeeking autographs and came back home.

KEY PHRASES (heard from the musicians onstage last night): "Sometimes, you're playing one thing when people in your band are playing something else." (Hmm...deja vu). "I hit puberty, and I had to rock."

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

blog malfunction?

sup with the blank page all day?