Sunday, July 31, 2005

Houston, we have a problem...


I want to use stronger language, but...alas.

Driving home from Burger King tonight, the Expedition suddenly started bucking like a bronco in first gear. Now it idles rough and accelerates rough. Fun all around. Could be as minor as a hole in a vacuum hose or a clogged fuel injector...or as serious as a transmission problem. Who knows.

Just what I needed right before a vacation. I already am going to pay $$ for the trip. Now I will probably have to pay a goofy amount of $$$$$ to get the car fixed.

It sucks...that's what it does.

On the bright side, I'm glad it didn't fry while being driven to Gulf Shores. Now THAT would suck.

Still, not a headache I want to have right now...financially or otherwise, especially given the fact that it needs to be repaired by a week from Monday.


Monday, July 25, 2005

Worth blogging about?

After such an eventful weekend, there is so much to blog about. But 12:30 in the AM...I'm just not up to the task. I see much dreamage in my near future...

Since others have blogged about the events of the weekend, I'll try and sit down sometime reflect on the best (and worst) moments of the weekend and post a pic or two of some things.

In the meantime, I'll just say that it was busy and hot, but very good overall. I need more weekends like this...and fortunately, I've got several coming up which promise to be as exciting, if not more so.

Off to bed...

Friday, July 22, 2005


Just read that 113 is the forecasted heat index for today. I can't remember any time in recent memory where the heat index was that high.

Adding fat content and my general 'out-of-shape' factors into the mix, that means for me it will feel like about 145 degrees.

Time to buy some Powerade.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I got your update right here...

Someone Asian commented tonight that I haven't updated my blog enough this week.

So...I typed a few words here...voila! Updated.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Quote of the day:

"Sounds like someone took a dump in my in-ear monitor." - Jeremy

Yes...yes it did.

Long day today...

- Garage sales in our neighborhood...some cocky woman who blocked my driveway then hesitated to move her car when I asked...boob...

- Helping Dana load stuff into a self-storage place...

- Band practice. was...0ff. But, I should be used to that practice is usually off...but Jeremy did say it best...

- Kailyn's birthday party. The rain held off long enough. Woohoo! Kids, water, cake...nothing like a sugar high when cake is the ONLY meal you've had all day. Bzzzzzz...

- Crash. Sugar wore off.

- Dinner at Dead Lobsta with Jeremy and Allison. Good food. Fun.

- Now? Movie time...I think. Something like that. My brain is misfiring a lot today.

But I like busy days like this. It's like you do more 'living' when you stay busy than when you sit on your butt.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I'm a super-nerd

I was able to take a trip to Madison yesterday with Kailyn for her dentist appointment...and leave Zachary with Stacey at work. Ahhh...blessed, sweet-smelling freedom...

Well, sort of... Stacey made me (she made me do it) run to BabiesRUs for some...waterproof crib pads.

Um..hmm... You can't get more manlier than that.

To recover, I used the extra time to swing by Best Buy and browse around. Since my old radar detector in the Expedition just died, I replaced it with a new model while I was there.

Here's the super-nerd part. Every time I've been in there, they've had these really cool racecar-seat-looking rocker chairs designed for use while playing video games, etc. But at $90, that's kinda stupid. So nada.

But at $30 on clearance, it made more sense. So...after figuring out how to cram it in the back of the Mazda, I made it home with it. Works very well as intended, and doubles as a nice extra chair upstairs in the bonus room. Heh.

Get your nerd on.

Make it stop...

This has been one of those mornings where I'd prefer the daily grind of an 8-5 job than to be working from home and taking care of 2 kids.

Zachary (now 8 weeks old) can scream and scream and scream when he's upset, so it seems that he's carrying on the genetic gene-of-wrath that has passed from my grandfater to my father to me and my brother. All morning long, the kid's been at it. And it's been incredibly difficult to keep my own anger in check. After all, this is a 2-month-old. You can't reason with a 2-month-old. You can't scold him. You can't calm him. You can't make him understand it's going to be okay because...he's 2 months old. All I can do is sit there and try to cope with the noise...waiting for the moment to pass. But when every moment of newfound silence is pierced by yet more screaming, my blood starts boiling, knowing there's nothing I can do to change it.

*I love this kid, though. When he's not screaming, he's got a great smile and a really cool 'curiousity' as he stares wide-eyed at the world around him. I could live in those moments foreer. And even when he's screaming, I most certainly would never hurt my kid...there some lines you simply do NOT cross. But I understand anger...and how it can spin out of control...and that's probably why some people do hurt their kids. But what a selfish act...what a cowardly act...adults asserting their will violently over people who can't even fight back. I've known enough people who were products of some abusive households...and decades later, they still reel from the pain.

Still, my own anger scares me. It scares me that I have this monster inside me that can be very difficult to control. It's taken years and years (and a lot of destroyed friendships) to get it under control...and even now, it feels like it's lurking under the surface.

I've blamed my temper on ADD. I've blamed it on depression. When you get down to it, it's simply because things didn't turn out like I wanted them to. As if my will is the only thing that matters. Screw yours. Screw everyone else's. All I care about is how I feel at this moment.

I used to punch things. I've put my fist through sheet rock. I've tried to put it through a jagged brick wall, where all I did was create a blood-gushing wound on my right hand - making me even more angry. I used to go outside as a teenager and hit a tree with a baseball bat. In college, I would chase down cars that cut me off in traffic...and attempt to cut them off. I would lock myself in my dorm room and crank the stereo loud enough to drown out the noise. I would park myself behind my keyboard/synth and write songs...songs that started angry, but usually turned mellow...that was ONE thing that usually helped me calm down back in those days.

In college, I gained a nice group of friends my freshman year. Then I lost all of them. I was an 'unsafe' friend. I had to start all over. And with a lot of God-intervention in my life, I was able (over the next few years) to wrestle the beast within under more control.

But it's still all sin...daring me to feed it.

Something breaks...the temperature goes up. I get interrupted when I'm doing something...oooo...don't do that. Too much noise. Too many bills. Can't get anything done that I want to/need to get done 'cause I'm having to try to console a screaming 2-month-old.

The more I think about it, the more worked up I get about it.

To fix this wrath, I spend so much time in the pursuit of making my circumstances better. As if having quiet children, good friendships, and no bills are the keys to it keeping my anger under control. Sure that would help, but the real problem's not with the world around me (though it does suck at times). The problem is internal. I'm just 'wired' to explode. Take away all I have that makes me angry, and I'm sure something 'new' will.

I've tried escaping it. I packed up and moved away from Birmingham -in part- so I wouldn't have to be readily exposed to an environment that caused me so much pain (and anger). Now, having been here 3 years, I've learned that there are ALWAYS things. Waiting. New things. New temptations to release wrath...

But I desperately want to be the kind of guy who's at peace even when the world around me is going nuts. I want to be that kind of husband...that kind of father...that kind of friend.

I want to be 'slow to anger' when my kids are screaming and crying...when we get that unexpected bill from the anasthesiologist...when scheduling issues make something as simple as lining up a band for sunday morning become less than 'easy'...when my wife is cranky...when people drop bombs of criticism...when I'm tailgated on 565 and pushed to 90mph by some snobby teenager frustrated that I'm not going 95 (or higher).

Maybe hypnosis. Heh. I want to be Peter in the movie 'Office Space.' Hypnotize me. Let the world around me suck. I'll be just fine with it. Well, I guess I'd still want to care about some things. But I would like to be that laid-back.

Better yet...make it permanent. Make it a heart-change that lasts.

Right now, my house has become quiet again. Zachary's asleep and Kailyn's playing with one of her birthday presents on the floor next to me. My internal temperature has dropped to normal.

And I feel like such a dork for letting it all get to me in the first place...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Monthly Rant, part 1.

What is spirituality?

Is it going to church? Is it reading a Bible? Is it praying 5x times a day while kneeling in front of a puppet Jesus (sounds like a cool song title)? Is it singing "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" 16 times just to stay 'in the spirit?' Is it not watching Rated-R movies? Is it avoiding saying "F*** you" every time someone cuts you off in traffic? Is it making sure you distance yourself as far as you can from the 'heathen' of the world? Is it sitting in a circle of friends talking Jesus-talk? Is it listening to only Christian music (with all its words about God)?

Is it getting in touch with nature? Is it getting lost in music? Is it listening to only secular music (which paints a better picture of true 'seeking')? Is it in painting something like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Is it building a Habitat for Humanity house? Is it selling all our possessions and moving to Tibet and living in a candlelit monastery atop a snowy mountain? Is it some kind of transcendental meditation?

Is it reading the latest books about ministry, theology, or church 'growth'? Is it attending conferences or retreats to 'better' your life...your marriage...your church?

Boxed spirituality. Legalism disguised as spirituality. Quick fixes. Life-long fixes (but still 'fixes'). But much worse, they become standards by which we measure our own spirituality and (worse) the spirituality of others.

I wish there were easy answers about this.

Sadly, some of the most 'spiritual' people I know are the most depressed people I know (myself included, at times). It's as if we've tried everything, and once we've exhausted the resources in the spiritual guru of the moment, we move on...ravenous for something else...or too bloated to want any more. there such a thing as real spirituality at all? Based on people's blind acceptance or blind rejection of so many spiritual things, it seems impossible to answer.

I've been in the mountains of Colorado, and felt so close to God I felt like I could almost touch him. I've been too sappy church retreats where I've felt so close to God I felt like you could leap out of your seat straight into heaven.

And I've been to mountains where I've felt nothing but loneliness. I've been to retreats where I've almost laughed out loud at the silliness of the emotional manipulation and feigned religiosity I see.

I look at people like my own mother who find incredible value and spiritual connection in traditional forms of church and worship (Sunday school and pipe organ worship), whereas I see others only find that connection away from any kind of church. But in the end, the spirituality of both seems genuine.

And it goes into extremes. I've seen so-called Christians visciously defend traditional forms of church and 'spirituality' to such a point that they deem anyone who doesn't agree with them to be an enemy of God and if every one out there who doesn't walk their tightrope is 'lost' and hellbound.

On the other hand, I've seen so-called seekers visciously attack all traditional forms of worship and church, thinking they've got it all figured out and everyone who dares attend anything with a modicum of traditionality (from style to the fact that churches meet at all) is just a robot programmed to go through the motions of spirituality week after week.

Neither side gives the other enough credit. Both sides are right, but both sides are wrong. There is value in traditional, bible study, prayer groups, even...cough...hymns. But there is value in meditation, independent thought, songwriting, free expression...informal means of connecting...

So why the battle? Why does spirituality get lost? Why is it inevitably 'boxed in' on both sides (and neither side sees that they are 'boxing it in' at all? Why is it mutually exclusive?

Are these even the right questions to ask?

Man, my thoughts about this are just beginning...

Thoughts developing about... "Spiritual" being redefined as something more you are than something you do. Abused freedom disguised as spirituality. Abused religion disguised as spirituality. None of the above... the moment where you feel nearly enlightened, but not yet... still confused.

More later.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Dennis the Menace

**UPDATE: stole my nickname for the storm. (I am such a loser - 1. That I even care and 2. to assume no one else would come up with a name that...duh...obvious...heh). I need better hobbies...and more social interaction than spending all my time with a 3 year old and a 2-month-old.

Just thought I'd coin that phrase about Hurricane Dennis far as I know, it hasn't been used yet...heh. Since my friends tell me that I'm a weather nerd, I've decided...'why fight it?' Right now it's a Category 4 hurricane. Wow.

Ivan pulverized the coast and took down lots of trees all over Alabama last fall, and this new storm (Dennis) looks to be another major threat, which really sucks while all the rebuilding is STILL going on down there... Here's praying that it misses us or, better yet, loses steam before it makes landfall.


Band practice tonight was 'off' in a typical band practice fashion, so no worries there. Afterwards, I went with J-mo to Applebee's for some grub. Of course, both of us felt better about ourselves when the waitress tried to guess our ages and guessed on the younger end of the scale. Woohoo.

Wow. This entry sucks. I'm just too tired to blog about anything with any depth.

(Note after update: This entry still sucks)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A little scratchy scratchy

Woke up this morning with a throat. Woohoo. I talked with both Jack S. and Jeremy yesterday trying to coordinate the band schedule for the next two weeks, and both of them had the same thing, so - unfortunately - that means something's going around and this might not be just a weather-related thing.

Wow, it's been raining a lot. A neighbor down the street who moved here from Washington state (a state known for its year-round rain) commented that it has rained more here in the past couple of years than it has there. I find that amazing. I know hardcore Alabamians would argue that this is typical for Alabama, but my first few summers here in the late 90s were more drought-laden. Water restrictions in Birmingham would get bad enough, that you couldn't water the grass, and all I could do was sit there and watch my grass die. But lately, I can barely keep it cut 'cause it's growing so fast.


I've been in a songwriting rut for several years now. I blame that on Mountaintop (my old church), because I was just too burned out all the time.

But what to write? I've got about 5-6 COMPLETE tunes in my head, but no lyrics. I've got a John Mayer-ish, 6/8 time signature song, which is fun to play... I've got a DMB-ish song... Some keyboard-driven songs... But I've not been inspired enough to write words. Let's face it, people are better songwriters when they're depressed or angry (I used to write a song a day right after college). Lately, I'm not really depressed or all that angry (or just too busy to care), so very little writing has taken place.

So what I've started doing is attempting to convert some of these tunes into worship songs. That at least has some practical application to it. I'd like to write songs for worship that come from my own heart, rather than just repeating the words written by others. Also, so much worship is so cheesy, I could write my own songs and (hopefully) play music that really reflects the style(s) I like. Well, they could still be cheesy. One man's pride and joy could be another man's cheese... Um...heh. Typing that sentence made me laugh...

Though I still want to write songs that aren't worship-driven for sure, I have to face the reality that much of my time is devoted towards that task on Sundays. So why not merge the creativity with what I already do? Duh.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

I'm melting

Holy crap, it be hot. 90 degrees, but "feels like 94," according to I think that whole heat index thing really is subjective...if you ask me what it 'feels like,' I'm going to tell you 125. A true heat index would count in body fat (for me that boosted that 90 to 114), what you're doing outside (yard work - boosts it up to 124), and a general freedom to gripe about it (rounds it up to 125). Now, if I can reduce that fat index, maybe it'd only feel like 111).

That storm that came in last night looked pretty cool as it rolled in. Lot of wind and lightning. I wish the photo could capture how it looked like the whole storm was rotating (imagine the white band of clouds rotating around the dark center, and that's what it looked like).


Well, back to it. Got the grass mowed, now I've got to do all my edging, weed eating, and I might even do some work in the planters (trimming shrubs, planting new plants), and maybe...just...maybe pressure wash the driveway/back porch and then wash the cars.

I might be a little too ambitious.

Either way, maybe I can beg the Anderson's for some free time in their pool ;-).