Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Warm, it is. Summertimes in Alabama (or Georgia) are never something I've gotten completely used to. I've had friends who love this heat and can't stand cold weather. Sure, I used to love summers when I was younger (and skinnier)...hanging around the neighborhood pool, riding bikes all over the place. Heat didn't wear me down like it does nowadays. Nothing like getting old and...overweight. Sheesh.

Still, I managed to force myself to get out and mow the lawn this morning while the temperature was still below 90. What I wouldn't give for some shade, though. Wow.

Okay, enough griping. Got it done. I survived. I've got A/C. Knock...knock (on wood).

Better not get too comfy with technology, though. In the past few days, our Mazda and our living room TV have both demonstrated "malfunctions." The Mazda has started stalling out, so we took it to Bramlett...which in itself was a fiasco, b/c Bramlett just lost their Mazda franchise so we had to tow it to the Mazda dealership in Huntsville...where they currently can't find anything wrong with it... -sigh- ...though it's staleld on us intermittently since Friday...

And the TV...nothing like having an expensive TV shut itself off after 20 seconds every time you power it on. Whee!

Maybe I should move into a cave and shun all things technological. Then I'd have to learn to capture and kill my own food... learn to cave paint since I'd have no TV. Maybe I could still take an acoustic guitar, but then I'd have to still buy strings or seek out people to donate cats to me for genuine cat-gut strings...heh...and additional "sustenance." Yuck.

At the very least, I am going to try to get less frustrated when things malfunction. Anything technological will break at some point, and that's just a fact of life.

If only it didn't cost money to fix things... but that's another topic for another day.


Monday, June 12, 2006

Keeping cool and new "toys"

Man, it's hot. Like that hot blast you get from opening a hot oven, only this heat doesn't dissipate. It sticks with you. It sticks to you. Sticky. Nasty. Good weather for swimming, though. Got some much-needed swim time today. Whee.

Church this morning was phenomenal. Don't know what happened, but wow. The crowd was really into the whole worship-thing. I've never seen them respond like that. According to one person, it was the best Sunday ever that they'd experienced, and were all like, "It's these kinds of Sundays that make me never want to miss church ever again." Man, God's good. It wasn't anything we did ourselves. He just was 'there.' Hard to explain, but very real...and something I personally needed to experience today. Awesome...

Brent played with us for the his first full-band/Sunday morning experience. Kid's got talent oozing out his pores, and it's been fun working with him this week to get him involved. He sight reads some of our chord charts better than we play them sometimes... Props go to him for stepping up to the plate when we needed him...

Speaking of band stuff, got some new toys to play with. Bought a pseudo-cheapie Washburn Taurus 25 bass guitar this week. Why? (1) Maybe I'll fill in on bass sometimes. (2) Stacey wants to learn (seriously). (3) Jack - or anyone - can borrow it when he plays. (4) All of the above. Not a bad bass for a sub-$400 instrument. Looks good, plays good, solid wood, neck-thru body, decent pickups. Got a nice gig bag to keep it in. Never thought I'd see the day I'd own one bass guitar, let alone two (I already own a 5-string Epiphone acoustic bass)... Running out of space to hang guitars on my wall...

Also in the realm of all things music, Will let me borrow this 90s all-tube Ampeg amp head tonight. Will experiment with it some this week, but I've already done enough research about it online to know that this thing will rock (if it still works). It's been a long time since I've hauled an all-tube anything anywhere, and man...it's heavy. If it sounds good, I'll try to find a way to implement it into the music stuff at church. Just need a cab to run it through...

Anyway...random stuff...that's about it...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

"Core breach, Captain..."


My stomach hurts. It's been hurting all week. Did someone slip some Colon Blow into my Mountain Dew? Like clockwork, I've been waking me up every morning this week sometime between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. and unwillingly doing my best Jeff Daniels-on-the-toilet impression from "Dumb and Dumber," complete with a soprano-like voice... I feel I need roller coaster-like safety bars installed in the bathroom stall just so I can hang on for the ride... I'd name this theme park attraction "Acid Trip" or "Ring of Fire." Heh.

Okay...I've tried to describe my plight without being too gross. And today, it's actually better...but SHEESH!...what a week. Fortunately for me, I'm married to a pharmacist who knew what medications to have the doctor call in for me.

Apparently, I'm not the only one with this affliction at present. Spoke with several people over the past few days who've been suffering the same, as if this is either (1) some strangely persistent intestinal bug or (2) an even stranger manifestation of the collective stress among my friends. Who knows. Still, I'm glad it finally seems to be subsiding a bit.

My only regret this morning is eating grilled hamburgers, corn on the cob, and baked beans for dinner last night... Whoa, nelly... No problems yet (thank God!), but when have beans and corn EVER been anything but a challenge for the intestinal track of the human body?


Alrighty, enough...enough... Now that I've grossed you out...

It's supposed to be pretty hot outside today. G-R-E-A-T! I've got a backyard that needs mowing badly (a backyard of record-length Bermuda grass that feels more like a cornfield than a lawn at present), so at some point, I need to brave the heat. May even try to clean off the Mustang (again) and attempt to crank it up if I can find the time.

Preferably, I'll find some time today to take some guitars up to Jack's house and get them setup (action is WAY too low on a couple of them, and taking them to Jack is better than taking them anywhere else).

Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday night thoughts about the meaning of everything

These past few weeks have been almost a nightmarish rollercoaster of ups and downs. The high moments have included playing with the band out at a couple of venues, hiking in Bankhead National Forest, spending day-to-day moments with my kids, sharing margaritas with friends at Guadalajara, and enjoying a simple breeze blowing off the river at Rhodes Ferry Park during a cool evening.

I wish life was all high moments. Unfortunately, there have been low moments these past few weeks, and they've been really low. Knocked in the teeth, down on the ground, too knocked silly to stand up kinda low... Nauseating moments... The kinds of moments where you wonder if anything will ever be good again...

Yet here I am. Alive and well. Still breathing. Slowly opening my eyes and moving my hands away from my face wondering how I survived the impact...

But my mind is still not completely clear. It will be weeks...months...maybe years before the ramifications of these past few weeks aren't ever-present in my mind.

I can't go into details because I want to protect the privacy of some people involved in these low points. I can only say it's been very difficult. All I can say is that things have happened that have made me take a close look at everything I believe about God, my career, my sins, my church, and the shortcomings of my own personality makeup.

And here's what's emerging...

I believe God is beyond comprehension. I believe our greatest, most in-depth insights into his nature barely skim the surface of the depth of who He really is. Even the Bible - as much as it reveals and how important those revelations are - is not an exhaustive text on all He is. Any God who can breathe the entire universe into existence by simply "speaking" it to happen is more than my teeny, tiny mind can grasp. He's infinitely creative. He cannot be put in a box. Though we can describe what aspects of him we do understand, our words...our thoughts...our 'conceptions...can never really wrap total meaning around Him.

I believe God is loving. Infinitely loving of people. All people. A love of such depth we cannot comprehend it. A love proven by the cross. A love utterly amazing because we are absolute scum, yet he loves us anyway...

The depth of our fall from grace is amazing. Terrifying. How we can turn from a God this magnificent is beyond comprehension, but is the grim reality of our existence. At nearly every turn, it's easier to reject God than embrace Him. Even well-intentioned Christians fall into this trap. We box him in. We redefine Him to service us...to accommodate our standards of living or our own belief systems simply to make life less confusing and void of mystery or simply to bask in our own glory and sin rather than fall on our knees before him in solemn recognition of our innate worthlessness when compared to Him. We exchange the truth of God for a lie. Boxed in by one system or another. Our mock God either serves the traditionalistic, religious, institutionalized Christian culture, or -worse - serves the over-the-top rejection of all things church and Scriptural for the pursuit of our own pseudo-faiths. Both are impossible re-creations of God, and I think a God who loves people at all costs and utterly hates the sin that destroys us hates it when we are so presumptuous as to dare redefine Him for our own purposes (even if we are utterly blind and deaf and dumb in doing so). To redefine Him is to reject Him, because somehow who he really is isn't good enough for us...

If one wants to know God, then we ought to let God do the speaking (through his Word...through His creation) and be very careful not to superimpose our own agendas onto him.

That said, I love the church. In all its institutionalized, caricaturized imperfection. I love it because Christ loves it. He died for it. He created it. Today, it may be a fallen shadow of what it's supposed to be, but it's still the church. Much like the very people in the church, the church is an embodiment of our imperfections...yet it is still the vessel through whom God works. It's still the body of Christ: His hands, his feet....his means of continuing his ministry in the world.

So being church ought to be about overcoming those imperfections. Neither blind following of the "system" nor cult-like rejection of it. It's knowing how to shed the baggage of traditions and religiosity...but it's also knowing how to shed the baggage of sin and utterly stupid stuff that is nothing short of spitting on the cross if we allow them to fester.


I have no idea why this is so difficult. I have no idea why our struggle becomes so consuming that simple reliance on God and involvement in his body becomes a source of conflict and division rather than one of harmony and mission. I have no idea why we excuse and even flaunt sin that was worthy of cruciform atonement (there's a big phrase for you)...

Likewise, I have no idea why I'm being so forthright about this stuff. Maybe it's because I think sometimes when we talk about things like mission and vision and even our own spiritaul formation and desires, we get so consumed by the "us" in the equation that God - who He really is - takes a backseat to our own agendas, whether we intend that or not. Then our actions - our responses, our life directions - become skewed because we have skewed concept of God. When that happens, community becomes more important than conviction, tradition becomes more important than creativity, chaos becomes more valued than order, self-tolerance replaces repentance, and suddenly we're standing on a foundation built on the sandy ground of our own agendas. Ironically, we go "off-mission," and we don't even know it...because we're either caught in the extreme of legalism/traditionalism or the other extreme of anti-establishmentism/nihilism and cannot see the truth because we're looking through the goggles of self-interest.

Living here in Decatur, I've witnessed both extremes over the years. And the solution is not finding a balance between the extremes, but focusing solely on God and going from there. If we did that, I think everything else would fall into place.

Anyway, it's late...and I'll reaffirm that these are emerging thoughts, which is why they may dance all over the place or feel 'incomplete' at points. Maybe John Piper says it better:

"God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful
worshippers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He
has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His name among the nations.
Therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of
His name, let us renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join His global

With no alignment with Him, life is doomed to "low points." I cannot speak for everyone else, nor do I presume to nor do I intend to sound accusing to anyone in light of recent events. All I can say is I feel it's more important than ever for me to make sure that I'm "bringing my affections into line with His." I realize that's no easy task, but the alternative - to pursue my own affections - is increasingly becoming an option too terrifying to entertain.